Beginning with version 10, every version had suffixed name with the word Deep which stands for the advantage of multiple processors or even multiple cores processors. Shredder is also a commercial chess engine marketed by Shredder Chess Company owned by Stefan Meyer and also marketed by ChessBase. Shredder rating for this list was 2855 ELO and found itself 5 points below the fourth place and 160 points below the first place which was taken by Rybka 2.1 which had a rating of 3015 ELO. Even with all of this titles at JanuDeep Shredder 10 found itself on the fifth position of CEGT rating list. In 2010 Shredder won his title at the World Chess Software Championship. In 19 Shredder had won World Computer Chess Championship and from 2002 until 2005 including 2007 the engine of Stefan Meyer got the title of World Computer Speed Chess Champion. First big won of Shredder engine was in 1996 on the World Microcomputer Chess Championship, Shredder also won this title once again in 2000. Shredder has his unique Universal Chess Interface compatible graphical user interface developed also by Stefan Meyer for the purpose of Shredder. First release of Shredder chess engine was in 1993, created by Stefan Meyer – Kahlen with origin from Germany.